
Friday, June 6, 2014

Confessions of a Blogger

It's confession time.  I'm horrible at responding to comments in a timely manner.  I have loads of excuses that I'm sure you don't want to hear...full-time job, two small kids, things to do around the house, time spent sewing, etc...  I always feel guilty when I can't respond to every comment and it can become very overwhelming.  There are times when my response is a week after the comment was made.  If it's past a week, sometimes I just try and start fresh with the new comments.  Am I alone in this?  Some of you are wonderful responders.  What is your secret?

I just want you to know that I read every comment.  I take into consideration all the suggestions made and I'm so thankful for all the kind words.  I will try and do better at responding.  My goal from now on is to respond to all comments by the end of the day.  Cheer me on in this since I'm sure there will be days that I struggle.


  1. Oh My ! Now your going to get more comments to reply to : )
    Replies are nice.
    The lack of reply well not make me stop following you.
    We are all busy, and we all know it.
    Go have a wonderful weekend and share with us when you get a chance.

  2. Please don't feel the need to reply to this comment. I'd just say don't put too much pressure on yourself. I think a same day reply might be a bit much to achieve if you're a very busy person. Maybe you should try to reply twice or three times a week. Set aside half an hour and power through the replies. Most people just like a couple of sentences to let them know you've read their comment. If they wrote something very brief, you're entitled to keep the reply brief too - that's my policy when I'm in a rush.

  3. I don't think you need to respond to all comments. The only time I would hope for a response is if I ask a question. I will leave a comment because I like the project and appreciate the time it took to create a blog post (well I try to :) )

  4. I think it depends on the nature of the comment left, and the person. If it's someone who consistently leaves comments, or you know personally -- I prioritize those. Its more important for me to keep the relationships I have than start new ones. If someone just leaves a "Love!", I really don't think there's a need to respond. What would you say? "Thanks I love it too"? Jobs and kids are important, more important than the people on the internet. And even more important than those is your well-being. So, if replying to every comment is stressing you out, and cause harm to your well-being, then don't. Those who matter won't care, and those who care don't matter. I think Dr. Seuss said that. :D

  5. Janet do not worry if you do not reply to my comments, you are so busy as you say with work, children, not to forget hubby, I am old and retired and live on my own so time is not a problem, blogging helps me keep sane and have contact with the outside world!! I know if I do not check mine every day catching up can take hours and hours so enjoy your family and stop worrying but keep blogging as we love to see what you are doing

  6. Goodness, spending time in front of a computer writing back to people is a nice thing, but certainly NOT the most important thing you have going on in your life. I think we're all aware that life happens, and honestly, as hard as I try to write meaningful comments sometimes there just isn't much to reply to! I, for one, don't want blogging and the quilting community to be a chore or something to be dreaded. Good luck finding a balance, and certainly never feel the need to apologize to me for needing to spend more time sewing / with your family / at your job / taking a break for you!

  7. meh. I try to reply back as quickly as I can, but I have lots to do. I think that people understand. My problem is that I never know what to say...ever. lol People talk about creating friendships through comments and such, but no one will want to be my friend until I can write more impressive things than "thanks". ;)

  8. Sometimes if there is a comment I just don't know how to respond to, like the love, or way to go or those kinds of comments, I go to the person's blog and comment on their most recent post. If I'm not feeling their most recent post I find one that does inspire me to leave a comment :) I figure I have returned in kind and am acknowledging their comment. Sometimes I say "thanks for visiting my blog today". . .

    And honestly, I spend a lot of time commenting and hopping around to various blogs - I have an empty nest and I don't work outside the home so I have the time to do this. Anyway, I honestly don't even remember all of the replies I am 'due' . . . I say don't stress. Unless the person is specifically asking a question I don't think I would stress about it :)

    And don't feel like you have to respond to this! :) I agree with what has been said before, this is supposed to be fun and a way to be inspired and decompress. Your posts are definitely inspiring! So keep posting when you can and respond when you can ;)

  9. Glad I'm not the only one to struggle with this! (You don't have to respond to me.) :)

  10. You shouldn't stress about it. When I leave a comment I am not tracking whether or not someone responded so I don't know if it even happened or not. I agree with the comments above unless there is a question really no need if you are busy. For me this is fun not my job so not looking to add stress to my day! No worries here!

  11. I read blogs for a very long time before I ever heard of anyone actually replying to comments. I do like that you can feel connected to other bloggers when a dialogue ensues and I have very much liked getting to know you over the last year through just this method. That said, I think it can be overkill responding to each and every comment made, especially comments that don't really inspire any reply other than a thank you. There are times when I have had to really dig deep to come up with anything original to say because the comment was simply too basic. It's not that the comment wasn't appreciated, it just didn't produce an additional thought. Personally, I'd rather get no response at all than those obligatory-feeling "thank you for visiting!" kind. I don't think anyone expects you to respond to all of the comments you get. When you get more comments than you can comfortably respond to quickly because your follower pool is getting larger, it just isn't practical to respond to each one. That's one of the downsides to a growing blog - by nature it simply has to become less personal. But if you can respond on occasion to comments that actually prompt you to say more than just "thanks for visiting" then please do so. No reply necessary. :) And all of your "excuses" are perfectly legitimate reasons why you shouldn't be mismanaging your time by labouring over comments, how ever well intentioned. Half the time I don't even remember that I left a specific comment until I get a response! I'd much rather see you continue to have time for sewing and sharing through your blog than see you get behind, feel frustrated, or give up. Hugs and happy sewing, Janet!

  12. Stop beating yourself up! We love to hear from you. Appreciate your visits. And totally understand that you have a life. No one can do it all!

  13. I agree with all of the others. I think the commenting and replying should be organic and done when a post or quilt or idea sparks it within the reader/blogger. Otherwise it can feel like a bunch or forced commenting and replying. Right??
    Having a job and a family is the priority.... commenting and replying should be a fun thing - not an obligation. Love the blog and your work and you don't need to say thank you! :-)
