
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Works in Progress

I have a finish that I've been dying to share with you, but I haven't been able to set time aside to take pictures of the quilt yet.  Hopefully, that will happen today...keep your fingers crossed.  In the mean time, here are the current projects I'm working on.

I've started working on the back to my X-Plus quilt using the scraps left over from the top.  I'm currently sewing together all the corner trimmings creating HSTs. 

They measure 2 1/2" after being trimmed.  I'm allowing randomness to prevail in my assembly of these HSTs and I'm really liking the results.  Once I finish sewing these together, the rest of the back should come together quickly.

I've also been working on some EPP to created the front panel of my new sewing machine cover.  I finished one cover already, but my second machine is getting a bit jealous.

This project is a bit slow going, but it's an excellent project when I'm away from my machine.

I also had the privilege to attend a wedding last weekend for the lovely couple who received the wedding quilt I finished a few weeks back.  It was a beautiful ceremony and reception.  I even got my husband of 9 years to dance with me for more than one song...a first in our marriage.  :)

I've also gotten to snuggle with the beautiful daughter my best friend just adopted.  Here is a sweet picture of her new baby.

 She's already snuggling with her new quilt, which makes me smile.


  1. Oh yay for your friend and getting to see your quilt getting love already! I hope you get in your photo shoot, and the HST sneak peek looks great.

  2. Lovely work. I clicked through your link to the happy couple's gift quilt and I just LOVE what you did with the back--two quilts in one! I've been aiming for that kind of idea with some of my projects. I'm going to steal your idea in the future. :)

  3. Wow! That's for the back? Beautiful!

  4. It's so great seeing your quilts being loved! My husband doesn't dance, either- his only fault. I guess I'll keep him.

  5. I love those HSTs!! You look very organized. That photo of the baby with her new quilt is darling. Nice of her to coordinate her headband with the quilt top.

  6. Love the hexies!

  7. Love the HST quilt and such pretty hexies!

  8. so much fin going on! and it happened again - i was browsing the link up thumbnails and thought, "ooh! what's that?" and it was you, of course. the hst's are looking fabulous.

  9. Love those HSTs! Can't wait to see the back you're using them in.

  10. Let the randomness prevail! You're showing that random is awesome and making it look easy, too. Random is so hard for me :). Best, Kate

  11. That cover is going to look great!

  12. That is a LOT of HSTs. They look great. The colors are stunning. What a fun backing.

  13. can see the back of the quilt is going to be so interesting worth all the left overs, will make it a double sided one. Good to see the EPP coming along, I find it so relaxing to do. What a little beauty the baby is and definately has a stitchers eye, enjoying the quilt looking so cosy there

  14. Those HST look like that should be the front, so pretty! Do you have two pieces of tape on your machine?? I love the hexis too I still need to make a sewing machine cover or two for mine!

  15. Love the random triangles, and I love the idea of making a hexagon sewing machine cover. Great work!

  16. Wedding quilts and baby quilts are so wonderful to make (and receive) Wonderful projects that you have here

  17. Busy bee! I love the random half-square triangles. I can't wait to see how it all turns out. And I am glad the eep bug seems to have bitten you. I love your hexis!
