
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

WIP Wednesday

It's been 3 weeks since I've has been busy!!!  First off, my daughter started Kindergarten.

Ignore the self-imposed haircut she gave herself.  We are hoping for her hair to grow quickly before school pictures!
My first born is off to school and I'm still wondering where the time went.  We've had lots of meetings/events already with this new school year.  Our daily routine has also changed quite a bit to adjust to my daughter starting school.  I'm now at the gym at 5am to workout since I don't really have time in the evenings anymore.  My late night sewing has disappeared...I'm so tired!  I'm hoping I adjust soon and find time to sew more consistently again.  If not, well...I don't want to imagine that.

I have also finished the back (sort of) for my HST baby quilt.

Unfortunately, the back is not quite wide enough to comfortably baste and quilt it, so I'm going to be adding a strip of navy vertically.  The fabric is just placed on top of the back on my design wall.  I wanted to get a feel for what it may look like and I really like it.  I'll be adding this strip tonight...I hope.

I also started cutting the fabric for another baby quilt using the Tennessee Traveler pattern.  I've lost a bit of motivation when it comes to the 2 1/2" white squares, but I'm determined to get them cut before this weekend so I can start sewing them on.

I also got a wonderful package in the mail business cards!

Here's the back of the card.  I won't show the front since it has more personal information, but I'm really pleased with how they turned out.  It will be nice to be able to hand these out to potential clients/friends.


  1. I really love the addition of the navy stripe. In fact, I like it much better than without. I think it gives it great balance and focus. As for the haircut ... my daughter (just turned 30) had those exact same bangs her first week of kindergarten!! LOL. (I think the only thing that saved the rest of her hair was it was so thick that those "safety scissors" would not cut it!)

  2. Very cute quilt! Great business cards!

  3. Oh, I am pretty sure I gave myself that same haircut around that same age. In fact, I didn't learn my lesson all that well and did it again (at least to just my bangs the second time around) for 2nd grade. I think the navy stripe adds a lot to the backing. All the best settling into this new rhythm and evolution of life. I am sure that you will figure out how to find your balance again. Oh, and lovely business cards! I love having mine on hand, too!

  4. Those were the days. The first thing you will notice is that you don't have as much new free time as you expected to have. I join with the others who like your back better with the navy strip. I love it when shortages improve looks!

  5. Thats a great idea with the navy strip. Pieced background are my favorite :) It's going to look so good with the top!

  6. are you a glutton for punishment? at the gym at all is way off my limits. Like you though I am often up at 5am, that is when I do the blogging. Love the way you are backing the quilt, the strips work so well

  7. Such a fun backing! And the business cards are adorable!

  8. I like the back. the navy looks good really good to me with the background fabric!

  9. 5am is when I do most of my blogging, but it's not what I would choose - you must have great motivation to get to the gym at that time. Your quilts are looking great, so hope your new routine settles down and you have plenty of energy to keep going.

  10. Well I don't know how long her hair was to begin with, but she looks darn cute in a pixie cut!

  11. Your quilt is pretty but I really enjoy the photos of the back and your process for it. I so admire clever backs like yours. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Children grow way too quickly, that's for sure.

    The addition of the navy strip looks really great. And your cards look great as well!

  13. Congratulations on the start to a new school year for your daughter. And I like her haircut just like it is! Shows off her pretty face. That quilt top and backing are gorgeous, too. Love the addition of the navy strip. Congrats on the new business cards, Janet. Looking so pro!
