
Monday, November 24, 2014

Scrap Busting

I've been in a scrap-busting mode lately.  I finally finished the top of my scrappy herringbone last night.

My plan for the rest of this quilt is a black and white backing (still to be determined) and possibly a grey binding.  I'm not completely sold on that one yet, so the color is still up in the air.

I still have TONS of scraps left over.  I started sewing them together by color to form 12.5" squares and turning them into HST.

This was my trial run to determine if it was even worth it.  With one 12.5" aqua block and one 12.5" yellow block, I was able to create four 8.5" HST blocks.  I think this looks pretty cool and has lots of potential.  We shall see where this takes me.


  1. I think your completed scrappy herringbone is stunning, and I am really exited by the scrappy HSTs, too!

  2. What colorful herringbones! I like the angle -- it's not as sharp as Texas Braid or similar "v" piecing. The leftover leftover project looks intriguing.

  3. Great scrappy quilt! You must have a blast looking at all of the fabrics in this quilt. Lovely.

  4. Herringbone looks AWESOME! Just play with these left over scraps, and let them decide what they want to make.....your one block looks great already!

  5. The herringbone looks great. I love the hst you are making from the scraps. Very creative! What a great idea to work on those as you go.

  6. Lovely quilt, colours are great!

  7. Wow the herringbone looks amazing!

  8. I love it all! Scrappy is wonderful. I like your new block creations.

  9. both your projects are looking good, just shows what can be achieved with scraps

  10. I love all things scrappy - and this is exceptional! So fresh and so pretty!

  11. Janet that is wonderful - I love scrappy and love what you've done!

  12. I love this quilt! Did you use a particular pattern or tutorial? Thanks for sharing.

  13. Looking great, love the colours!

  14. Janet~I really like your herringbone quilt. Can you share a bit of how you did it. Did you sew it onto a foundation, how much did you have to stagger each strip, how wide did you cut your column? Thanks bunches!!

  15. I like the strips cut in half and sewn back together.
    I love scrappy quilts. Truth be known, scraps is about all I have in my room....I just keep the larger pieces by color in my cubby and throw the smaller ones into storage drawers.

  16. I wish I had time to scrap bust. Any time I get to sew I seem to spend making things from new fabric. I save all the scraps but then don't get to use them often because there's always something new coming out that I love!
