
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Cathedral Windows

I have always loved the cathedral windows quilt pattern, but I was never really excited about all the folding and pressing.  I found this Faux Cathedral Window Pattern on the Diary of a Quilt Maven blog for a pin cushion and decided to use it to make a quilt.

The short cuts did cut down on the amount of fabric used and still allowed me to enjoy the cathedral window pattern.  I was able to really enhance the scrappiness throughout the whole quilt and throw in the occasional pink to welcome a baby girl, the intended recipient.

Although I appreciated the shortcuts, I was still dealing with a very thick quilt with some very thick seams to quilt through.  I won't lie and tell you the quilting was a breeze.  I broke 6 needles in the process.  Lets just say I was thankful this was a baby quilt.

I found this confetti print at Bumbletees, a local fabric shop in Germantown, TN.  It really pulled all the colors together along with some fun orange.

This shot really helps to showcase the quilting of the quilt. Again, I focused on building and improving my free motion quilting skills.

I'm glad I finally tackled the cathedral window pattern...sort of.  I think I've fulfilled my desire to make this pattern.  On to the next project...


  1. It is a beautiful finish, and I think your quilting adds a lot to it. Way to stick with it and finish, too. ☺️

  2. Great quilt! I really like the bright splashes of pink.

  3. It is gorgeous! I've always had the same issues with making this quilt. Not sure I want to tackle it. But I do love the results. You did a fantastic job!

  4. Love those splashes of pink. Gorgeous quilt!

  5. Janet, this is beautiful! I'll have to check out this short cut method, as a cathedral window quilt is on my bucket list. Your points are really nicely done, and the fabrics are marvelous. It's so funny that you added this to my linky party (in a terrific way), because I already had a tab open to your post for my next break's reading set. :)

  6. absolutely love the pink!!!! and the pieced back of course.

  7. Wow, gorgeous quilt! Love the splashes of pink!!

  8. 6 needles? Oh my goodness! What a pain! It was worth it though. This is really beautiful.

  9. oh but it was so worth it. I love this. I would love to learn this technique. I have one started the old fashion way and I really need to complete for Christmas!
    I think your quilting is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
    I linked at Crazy Moms too I'm #100! Have a good weekend.

  10. This is so lovely! The colors and your choices of placement of the pink are fun!
    Great finish.
