About Me

My name is Janet and I live in Memphis, TN.  I'm originally from Texas (Hook'em Horns!) and will always be a Texan at heart, but I've come to love my new home.  I'm a wife to this guy and a mother to these two beautiful children.

Photo taken by BluOrchid Photography
I work full-time as a database administrator and I quilt whenever I have a spare moment.   I started quilting in 2011 and you can see the story behind my meager beginnings on my very first post, "The Journey Begins."  Quilting is apart of my heritage and I'm carrying on the tradition with a more modern twist. I started this blog in May of 2013 as a way to document my quilts, so this acts as an electronic scrapbook of sorts.

My very first quilt was done entirely by hand and I do not shy away from hand work if I feel it would be better than machine work.  I sew on an inherited Bernina 1030 given to me by my grandmother.  It's not the fanciest of machines, but it gets the job done.  I also purchased a Juki TL2010Q in October of 2013.  Between these two machines, I'm having lots of fun creating.

My sewing room is actually my dining room, which is rarely ever used as such and the entry hall closet acts as my sewing storage.  Who needs a coat closet when you have a huge walk-in closet in the master. 

Thanks for stopping by my blog and I look forward to sharing all my projects with you.



  1. I see your machine (ok, believe it or not, I also have the very same Bernina, but not inherited, I purchased it myself a "few" years ago). I have so much trouble with my Juki, but right now, it's tension trouble. It makes so much difference in my quilting. Do you have any problems like that? Any help.... Thanks!!!

  2. Wow! That looks like one organized sewing room......it looks like a really fun space to get creative in. I have a chine cupboard in my sewing room too, it's a great way to store fabric and still get to see all the pretty colors. Love your room!

  3. What a gorgeous sewing room!

  4. I love your sewing room. It is gorgeous. The table looks great. Do you know what brand it is?

  5. I just stumbled upon your blog! We have a few things in common as I also started quilting around 2010 and use our dinning room table as a sewing room. It is in a sunroom so we have great natural light! My wife is on a sewing table in the corner and I am on the table. I do have one advantage and that is our family is grown up and moved out so it is a little easier using the dinning room and we are both retired so we "should" have more time to quilt, unfortunately it never works out that way. I am looking forward to more of your blog entries and I am looking forward to trying the twist quilt project. Keep up the great work!


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